"Ananda Siksha Niketan" means a school for joyful learning. It was founded, nourished and still maintained by Mr. Babar Ali who was declared as "Youngest Headmaster in the World" in 2009 by British Broadcasting Corporation. Ananda Siksha Niketan is located at Bhabta village of Murshidabad District in West Bengal. It was established in the year 2002, when Babar Ali was studying in 5th standard. The School is recognized by West Bengal Board of Secondary Education. In 2015, it shifted into a new building. Initially, Babar Ali started with Class I and II. Ananda Siksha Niketan is a registered society under West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961 with registration No. S/1L/73299 of 2010-2011, dated: 25/08/2010. These students come from down trodden families of the nearby villages having no means to get their wards educated in the present education system. Learning kits,dress,tiffin are also supplying free of cost to all the students. Ananda Siksha Niketan was started by Babar Ali in the backyard of his family residence, better to say a hut, in an open air. In the year 2015 he was able to build a sizeable construction for his school with help of a large number of benevolent well-wishers from different part of India. Some of the helping hands who donated for the building are Almitra Patel, Banglore (Karnataka), Asha Jadeja, Gujarat, Tata Trusts, Gharda Chemicals Limited, Ladies Study Group- Indian Chamber of Commerce (Kolkata), Hope Monkey Foundation, Letz Dream Foundation, Kolkata Gives Foundation, India learing Foundation (Inventure Academy), Bengalore. We specially thank to Mrs. Lakshmi Pratury- INK Talks from Banglore and Mr. Sreeram (Engineer) from Banglore. At present, teaching strength is 10 and all of them, who are also ex-students of this school, are working on honorary basis. The donations from well-wishers and organisations across the country has kept this institution alive through the years.